Considering using Facebook ads in your insurance agency marketing, but not sure if they’re the right choice?  Here are 5 reasons why you MUST use Facebook Ads (but only if you want more leads.)

#1 They are exclusive.

I clearly remember back in 2007, when I first started my agency with almost no clients.  I needed a fast way to start getting quotes!  So I did what every new agent does…a little bit of everything!  I telemarketed, sent out direct mail, called every person I had ever met, AND I bought thousands of dollars of internet leads each month.

I did pretty good with internet leads back then…but they were never easy.  They required obsessive response.  I had to be the first person to call a lead back or it was a lost cause.  I knew that a minimum of 5 other agents were getting that lead too and we’d all be fighting for the prospect.  And the prospects were only interested in one thing – the cheapest price.

You’ve probably experienced this too.  Which is one of many reasons why we love doing Facebook ads for agents!  They are EXCLUSIVE.  When you are marketing your own agency on Facebook…the only person getting the lead is YOU.

If a prospect calls, they only see your phone number.  If they click, they go to your website.  If they fill out a form, you’re the only person who sees it.  This makes the lead infinitely more valuable than a purchased lead that is sold to multiple agents (and a lot less stressful for the agent too.)

#2 They are targeted.

With most marketing, you’re having to aim for the right client on a broad basis.  You send out direct mail to an entire neighborhood.  You run a commercial to anyone who watches that channel (and actually sits through commercials.)

But with Facebook Ads, you can target very specifically!  No more just hoping you hit the right people.

For most of our insurance clients, they prefer to target people between the ages of 30 and 55, who live within a certain area (zip code or radius), and who own a home.

Just imagine how much more successful you can be with quotes when you’re hitting someone who is actually a good candidate!

#3 They are easy to track.

Unlike most marketing, you can clearly see via Facebook reports, what is happening with your ads.  You’ll know how many people have seen the ad, how many have clicked on it or filled out a lead form, and what you’re paying per action.

You can set a daily budget (as low as $5 per day per ad), that allows you to easily track how much you’re spending.

You can’t do this with most marketing!  It also makes it really clear when you need to make a change and improve on your ad.

#4 They are versatile.

One great thing about Facebook ads is that there are so many choices.  In a recent blog, Robyn talked about Lead Ads, but there are a lot of other choices too.

One popular option is running ads to a custom audience.  This means that you can upload a list of your prospects or clients (emails and/or phone numbers) and target ads only to them.

This is great if you want to promote your referral program to your clients or target past clients for a re-quote six months later.

#5 They have higher close & conversion rates.

Have you seen the dismal response rates for direct mail?  You’ve probably experienced them first hand.  In general, you’re told to expect around 1% of people who receive your mail to respond..and that’s usually not on the first touch!

Imagine just how much mail you’d have to send to make that work!

Same thing with most broad advertising – radio spots, tv commercials, newspaper ads.  Not only are they almost impossible to track performance, the conversion rates are extremely low.

With Facebook ads, you’re combining an exciting offer, to the perfect prospect, on a platform they use multiple times per day for a low price per click.  It’s the perfect combo for results!

John Sharp
John Sharp

John Sharp is a former insurance agency owner and co-founder of Mega Agency Marketing.