Earlier this month, I asked you to consider the language that you use when selling life insurance and to make sure that you’re speaking exactly to your prospect’s concerns.  Today I want to share another life insurance sales tip.

Beyond scripting your sales pitch and choosing the right target market, sometimes you just have to think bigger.  And this is where your WHY comes in.  Your “why” is what motivates you to sell life insurance.  Now obviously, since this is your business, some of your why is going to be financial.  You are doing it to earn a livelihood and/or fulfill the sales requirements of your company.

However, if you’ve been in insurance for very long, you’ve seen the true value of life insurance up close and personally.  You’ve had to deliver that check to a grieving family.  You’ve felt the emotion of truly making a difference for someone that was going through an extremely challenging situation.

This “why” is very powerful.  And it may be even more powerful if you’ve experienced life insurance affecting your own family.

Make A Video Challenge

Today I challenge you to really think about this and TELL your clients!  Make a short video for your website or even do a Facebook LIVE video on your Facebook business page.  Talk from the heart and share your story!  Tell about the family who lost a father and the life insurance check you delivered that paid off the mortgage and put the kids through college.  Get personal (even if you can’t use names) and share a true story.

This doesn’t have to be a fancy production.  Grab your smartphone, flip the camera around selfie style and make a video!  You can use a tripod if it’s easier, but the goal here is more about genuine connection than it is fancy production value.

Once you make your video you can upload it to Youtube (use the Youtube Capture app to make it easy) or upload directly to your Facebook page.  Either option can also be embedded on your website if you own the site.

If you’re comfortable doing live video, you can go to your Facebook page and click the Live video button.  You will automatically broadcast to your followers with this option!  Once done, the video will save to your page.

People want to do business with people that they know, like, and trust.  Allow your clients to see you, hear your WHY, and know that you’re not just trying to make a sale – you genuinely care!

Try it today and let me know how it goes!

Don’t forget to check out the Life Insurance Promotion Kit for more marketing campaigns.

Robyn Sharp
Robyn Sharp

Robyn Sharp founded Mega Agency Marketing in 2010 and specializes in insurance agency marketing, including lead generation, social media, reputation management and more. She and her her husband, John, own an independent insurance agency in Arkansas.