The right processes have the ability to transform your agency.  Especially when you give them a strong foundation and lots of accountability.

But do they help you make money?  I believe they do!

Those little habits that you and your staff do day in and day out are what create the biggest changes in your revenue and retention.  Here are 5 processes to implement NOW that will help you make more in 2014.

1.  Quote Process – Do you have a concrete list of instructions for how to run a quote?  I don’t mean just the software itself, but the questions and the conversation that you have with the prospect.  This process should be like a well rehearsed play!

When you script your quote process, you guarantee two things.  One, you’ll make a full sales presentation and ask about important things like increased liability limits, multi-line opportunities, and financial services.  And two, you’ll know that everyone on your team is doing the same thing too.  All of these things lead to more revenue and commissions per client without needing to find more leads.

If you don’t have a Quote process yet, start one today.  Begin making a list of things you want to cover with every prospect and start creating your script as you do quotes today.  Then edit and add as needed until you have the perfect version.

2.  Follow Up Process –  What happens to a lead AFTER you quote them?  This should be a written process too!

Your follow up generally falls in two phases.  There are those that need immediate follow up – the people you quoted in the past few days that are likely to buy.  I call these hot leads and keep them on a “hot list”, close at hand to follow up with during the week.

Then you have those that aren’t interested now, but might be in another 6 months.  They need along term follow up process.

Here are a few ideas for setting this up.  Keep your “Hot List” on the desk and maintain contact every few days either via phone or email until they close.  Place your long term follow ups into a tickler system.  This can be digital or paper based depending on what works for you.  A tickler system is just folders marked with a Month and Year for follow up.  Each month, pull up the folder of quotes for follow up and start working them!

3.  New Business Log – This is super simple and incredibly important!  Create a spreadsheet to track all of your New Business…but the most important part is where the lead came from.  Really that’s your primary tracking objective.  Did they find you on Google, follow your Facebook page, referred by a friend, telemarketing lead, etc, etc.

Be diligent in keeping this information accurate and up to date.  Review it each month in detail and figure out EXACTLY where your new clients are coming for.  Then follow this simple marketing advice – do more of what works!

But you won’t know what is working unless you track it.  I’ve seen this process alone generate thousands in revenue by allowing an agency to really figure out where their clients are coming from and increase that marketing.  Try it!

4.  Life Insurance Prospecting – The more lines of business a client has with you, the longer they tend to stay.  This leads to long term revenue, higher book value, and higher retention.

Life Insurance is an important part of everyone’s financial plan.  And if you sell it, then you need to be prospecting for it consistently.

One easy way to do this is by using client birthdays as a reminder to quote their life insurance.  We all know that life rates increase with each birthday.  Therefore the best time to lock in a great rate is BEFORE you get older!  So rather than sending a birthday card, send out a postcard reminding your client to lock in their rate and get their policy started immediately.

This is a marketing process, but it takes time and you’ll need to be consistent in doing it every month.  Run a list of client birthdays, order some cards from Vistaprint, and send them out about 2 weeks before your client’s birthday.  This creates urgency and a set deadline, which inspires them to take action quickly.

All of these processes are simple once you set them up.  But the key is to get them in place and hold everyone accountable to following the same systems.  With the right quote process, follow up system, regular prospecting, and tracking where clients come from – you’re guaranteed to see more income from your agency.

Robyn Sharp
Robyn Sharp

Robyn Sharp founded Mega Agency Marketing in 2010 and specializes in insurance agency marketing, including lead generation, social media, reputation management and more. She and her her husband, John, own an independent insurance agency in Arkansas.